a white, hand written cursive word that says 'hello'. This was created by Rojhan Paydar, the developer.

A picture of Rojhan Paydar, Front-End Web Developer

My name is Rojhan Paydar!

I am versatile, reliable, and a team leader. I am a people person with a passion for web development! Additionally, I have a knack for artwork and design.
To learn more about me, take a look at the links below!

My Expertise


  • Battle of the Babies

  • Javascript | JQuery | SASS | HTML5 | Responsive Design

  • Battle Of The Babies, Rojhan Paydar's first JavaScript Project 2020. User can select a character, and then play rock paper scissors with a randomized character

    A jQuery and JavaScript Rock Paper Scissors game. User selects a character, and the opponent is randomly chosen from an array.

  • Personal Pokedex

  • REST APIs | Javascript | JQuery | SASS | HTML5 | Responsive Design

  • Partnered with Katie King
  • Pesonal Pokedex, Rojhan Paydar paired programming project 2020. User can type in a number in the pokedex, and an image of a pokemon with some of it's stats will appear.

    A paired programming jQuery project using the Pokemon API. Users can type in a pokemon number to generate a pokemon with their stats.

  • Podcast Commuter

  • Paired Programming | Javascript | React | SASS | HTML5 | Responsive Design

  • Podcast Commuter. A group project using React and Rest API by Rojhan Paydar 2020. User can input their commute, and then the user will be recommended a podcast based on genre, or title, and their commute time

    A group project done using React, MapQuest API and Listen Notes API. User results generate based on length of commute to length of podcast

  • Foodie&Find

  • Zomato API | Javascript | React | SASS | HTML5 | Responsive Design

  • A food app that randomly selects restaurants. Pulls up information for the user to view, helps making restaurant selecting a lot simpler

    Using React and a restaurant API (Zomato), users can click on a button to get a randomized restaurant with it's information displayed.

Let's Work Together!

My Videos

Student Lead Lunch and Learn

About: Rojhan Paydar organized a Student Lead Lunch and Learn held at Juno College. The special guest speaker was Danny Thompson. Danny delivered a motivational speech for new developers to get inspired on their journey to web development!

BOTB Walk Through

About: Rojhan Paydar demonstrates a walk through of her creative "rock paper scissors" game, Battle of the Babies. She shows a little bit of the logic behind the app, as well as demonstrates how the app functions.